N.B. Lack of arm-swing, facial rigidity and lack of blinking are all symptoms of PD.
The consultant stepped out of his office,
Paused a moment and called out “Mrs Smart?”
Over-quickly and over-deftly, I crossed the room towards him,
Swinging my arms with an exaggerated art.
Willing my face to look expressive,
I blinked an awful lot and looked him in the eyes,
But he wasn’t in the least bit fooled,
Which, considering he was a professional, came as no surprise.
However, he was very kind and reassuring
As he examined me from head to toe,
Somehow eliciting all the bits and pieces of information
That I didn’t really want him to know.
When he’d finished, he sat me down and spoke in soothing tones,
Giving my hand the odd, gentle squeeze,
And calmly explaining the ramifications of his diagnosis,
Which was indeed Parkinson’s Disease.
Strangely enough, even though by then I’d sussed out
That life wouldn’t always be a bed of roses,
I’ll swear that at that very moment, my most pressing thought
Was: “I wonder what time Sainsbury’s closes?”
Maggie Smart