I never saw a man who looked ,
With such a wistful eye,
Upon that little tent of blue,
Which prisoners call the sky.
Oscar Wilde
What’s on the agenda?
Well, as you may have guessed from the above quote, I am planning, in a day or so, to direct my next post to the 'Dark Poetry’ section, offering you a further insight into the brutal life of Bill Leonard, a prisoner on Death Row in Nevada, USA.
The second item arises on the agenda, because now seems a perfect time to share Christmas with the Fairies and to take the opportunity of introducing you to some of the characters in my two books: ‘The Great Fairy Save’ and ‘Another Fairy Save.’ It will also help to fill in some gaps in ‘Magical Poetry.’
Perhaps it is time to come clean about these 'two books’ …
Well, they are indeed ‘books,’ inasmuch as they both have beginnings, middles and ends, between which have been inserted chapters, with words in them.
Where they fall short of being actual ‘books’ is that they lack the 'having been published’ element – and so bear a very strong resemblance to stacks of paper (which indeed they are). I haven’t, as yet, submitted them to the critical eyes or scorching critique of publishers or
literary agents. That will be addressed in time, once I have made decisions about the way to proceed: conventional / self-publish / shredder ?
However, what I shall be offering in a short time is the serialization, on this site, of my very exciting novel: ‘Not a Tale of Two Cities,’ which, since I am avowed to be apolitical, doesn’t mention the ‘B’ word.
Well not very often.
That’s all for now. A tranquil Christmas and joyous New Year to you all.